Collective Intelligence: forms, functions and evolution across species, societies, and industries
Scientific discussion meeting organized by the School of Collective Intelligence at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Rabat, Morocco.
15 - 16 May 2024, 09:00 - 17:00
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Rabat Campus
Collective Intelligence (CI) refers to intelligent behavior in a group that can surpass the capacities of any of its members, by harnessing the contributions of multiple individuals. It is crucial to the evolutionary success of humans and numerous other species.
The goal of this meeting is to facilitate dialogue between scholars who study CI in a diverse range of disciplines from biology to computer science, and across a wide range of populations, from insects to fish to rodents, to non-human primates, to small-scale human societies and industrialized ones. We aim to bring together advances in CI research from across these groups to better understand the cognitive evolution of humans and species and discuss how CI can address contemporary challenges.
The schedule of talks and speaker biographies are available below.
Recordings of the presentations will be available on this page after the meeting.

Bhavya Deepti Vadavalli
Boston University

Andy Whiten
St. Andrews University

Takao Sasaki
University of Georgia

Francesco D'Errico
University of Bordeaux

Sir. Geoff Mulgan
University College London

Chris Krupenye
Johns Hopkins University

Zachary Garfield
University Mohammed VI Polytechnique

Monique Borgerhof Mulder
University of California at Davis

Mehdi Moussaid
University Mohammed VI Polytechnique

Cristine H Legare
University of Texas at Austin

Talib El Aissati
University Mohammed VI Polytechnique

Jose Segovia Martin
University Mohammed VI Polytechnique

Dora Biro
Rochester University

Maria Pykälä
University of Lausanne

Brisa Gutierrez
University of Arizona

Dr. Sarah Alami
Research and Education Fellow, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Pr. Monique Borgerhoff Mulder
Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis; Max Planck Institute, Leipzig

Ms. Hanae Bouziani
Project Management Officer, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Mrs. Maha Kabbaj
Communication Lead, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Dr. Cathal O'Madagain
Assistant Professor and Scientific Director, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Dr. Edmond Seabright
Research and Education Fellow, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Dr. Jose Segovia Martin
Assistant Professor, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Mr. Mohammed Souidi
Operation Officer, School of Collective Intelligence, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Rabat

Dr. James Winters
Center for Culture and Evolution, Brunel University, London

Pr. Andrew Whiten
School of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews
Call for posters
We invite all those interested in presenting to submit a poster on a topic relevant to the theme of the workshop, from any academic discipline. A 200 words abstract of the presentation, and 2-5 keywords describing their poster can be added in the form below. You will also include primary presenter’s name, names of additional authors, e-mail and affiliation.
The deadline to submit abstracts is 25 March 2024 10 April 2024 (deadline extended!).
Submissions will be chosen by the committee for relevance, clarity, and significance, and the result will be communicated to all applicants by 1st of April 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to design and print their posters, as well as to exhibit them during the conference.
Accommodation and meals will be provided for accepted presenters at the conference venue, UM6P Rabat.