research purpose

As a new field of science, the boundaries of collective intelligence are still being defined. At the SCI, our work includes cognitive science, computer science, data science, political science, economics and anthropology

At the heart of all of our research is a focus on what makes communities work well. We explore questions like how to build computer systems that allow many minds to make predictions about the future together; how knowledge is built over generations in non-literate communities; how to design an optimal group decision-making model; how groups can learn together more effectively than in as individuals; and how to model complex cultural change using state of the art compututional simulations.

That being said, three key thematics have been identifies as focal points for SCI’s research endeavors :

Human Behaviour and Cognition

This thematic is a fascinating field of study that seeks to understand the complexities of individual and group behaviors, thought processes, and cognitive mechanisms. It delves into the fundamental drivers behind collective intelligence, shedding light on how humans interact, make decisions, and  process information.

One aspect of human behavior and cognition is the study of individual behavior. Researchers in this field examine how individuals perceive, interpret, and react to the world around them. They investigate various factors that influence behavior, including personality traits, emotions, motivations, and cultural influences. By understanding individual behavior, researchers can gain insights into how people make choices and navigate their social environments.

Group behavior is another important area of study within human behavior and cognition. It explores how individuals interact with one another in social settings and how groups collectively behave. Researchers examine factors such as social norms, conformity, leadership, communication patterns, and cooperation to understand how groups function. They also explore phenomena like group decision-making, social influence, and the emergence of shared beliefs and attitudes within a group.

Overall, the study of human behavior and cognition provides valuable insights into the intricate complexities of human thought, decision-making, and social interactions. It has applications in various fields, including psychology, sociology, organizational behavior, education, and artificial intelligence. By unraveling the fundamental drivers behind collective intelligence, researchers can contribute to the development of more effective strategies for problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration in both individual and group settings.


Culture plays a significant role in shaping collective intelligence, including collaborative problem-solving, knowledge sharing, and decision-making processes. Cultural dimensions such as values, beliefs, norms, and social structures influence how individuals perceive the world and interact with others. 

These dimensions impact knowledge sharing by shaping attitudes towards information exchange and access. Cultural diversity enriches problem-solving by bringing varied perspectives, but it can also pose challenges in communication and consensus-building. Cultural norms and values influence decision-making styles, such as individual autonomy or collective harmony. 

Collective Decision Making

Collective decision-making is a field of study that examines the dynamics of group decision-making processes. It investigates how groups arrive at decisions, whether they are optimal or suboptimal, and explores strategies to enhance the effectiveness of collective decision-making. Researchers in this field analyze the factors that influence group decisions, such as individual biases, social dynamics, and the interactions between group members. They also focus on identifying techniques and interventions that can improve decision-making processes, such as leadership styles, communication patterns, and decision support tools. The ultimate goal is to develop practical strategies that harness the collective intelligence of groups and lead to more informed and successful decision outcomes across various domains.

By delving into the complexities of collective decision-making, researchers seek to uncover ways to enhance group decision processes and outcomes. They investigate the mechanisms by which groups arrive at decisions and analyze the factors that influence these outcomes. Additionally, researchers explore strategies to improve decision-making effectiveness, including approaches like diverse perspectives, open dialogue, and decision support tools. The insights gained from studying collective decision-making have practical applications in various areas, such as business, politics, and community decision-making, with the aim of improving the quality of group decisions and maximizing their benefits.